Saturday, July 30, 2011

Disease-Proof Your Child: Feeding Kids Right by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

So I've been reading :). It's something I love to do. I am a reading fiend.  It's relaxing to me and, depending on what I'm reading, informative too! Bonus!  Relaxing and not a time waster!  This book was recommended to me by a friend. Lately, I've been ordering in books from my local library. That way if the book is just alright I will have gotten to read it without having to spend money and I don't have to keep it. If it's a "keeper" I can go out and purchase it.  It's a win win situation. It's a situation that my husband is quite pleased with as well!  Because let's face it...books can be expensive and when you're an avid reader it's VERY expensive! So I've learned that I don't need to buy every book I come across no matter how much I like the smell of new books!
Anyway! Back to the purpose of this post...this book! It's phenomenal! I am really enjoying reading it. It's very informative as to the whys and I'm a why girl so...I love this book. :). This one is a "keeper".  It has a recipe section in the back and I just tried the smoothy recipe on my girls and they gobbled it up.  We're going to try more on them...we'll let you know how it goes.
The author has written some other books and you can find out about it here at Dr. Fuhrman's web sight.  He has a lot of link attached on the side that have great information as well.  Here is one of them. It's a web sight to motivate kids to eat in a more healthy way

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